Notes on Codecademy’s Apply Natural Language Processing with Python”

This is marked as an intermediate” course, so I might regret not having more practice with Python first. But it seemed like an interesting project, and I shouldn’t be a super beginner anymore!

  • Path Progress
    • Introduction: Getting Started with Natural Language Processing - done Tuesday 5/10 (worked 5/9, 5/10)
    • Text Preprocessing - Done Thursday 5/12 (worked 5/10, 5/11, 5/12)
    • Language Parsing - Done Friday 5/13 (worked 5/12, 5/13)
    • Language Quantification - Done Friday 5/20 (worked 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/20)
      • Bag-of-Words Language Model
      • Tf-idf (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)
      • Word Embeddings
    • Text Generation - Done Monday 5/3 (worked 5/21, 5/22, 5/23)
      • But need to redo this whole lesson in the future
    • NLP Portfolio Project

Thoughts on Natural Language Processing

This was my first exposure to any sort of natural language processing. As usual, I think I need some real world examples to get a better understanding of what NLP can be useful for.

Definitely need to work through a few projects with these steps, as I’m just at the end of Tf-idf now and realizing I am already forgetting how to make a bag-of-words.

Text Generation and Keras

Didn’t really follow the explanation at all here, and found myself just typing the code in without know why or what it does.

May 9, 2022