Manda -offer letter
- Record smart sheet process
- Get smart sheet account
BCT check run PS books Trilinear commission (need to update smart sheets)
To Do
- laundry including microfiber towel
Packing list
- Melatonin
- Charging cables, plug adapters
- Headphones
- Masks for plane
- swim suit
- Flip flops
- Pjs
- Socks
- Riding pants
- Sweaters
- Rain coat
- Other coat or just rain coat + layers?
- Plastic ziploc bags (to keep phone and camera dry)
- Hair ties
- Hair brush
- turby towel
- More plastic bags
packed already
- Headphone cord adapter
- Underwear
- Eye cover for plane
- contacts!!
- shampoo and conditioner
- Towel